The Kingdom #29: Facing the Black Monster

The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

Years had passed since the meeting of the powers,

Though to them, it had only felt like mere hours.

The King looked struck at the darkening sky,

For approaching was a great mass from up high.

“Today is the day,” the King said below his breath,

For he was right, it was indeed the day of his death.

The Black Monster stopped high above the King,

And its voice called out with an echoing ring.

“You knew that this day was coming, oh great King,

A day that only I, the Black Monster, can bring.”

The King fell to his knees and he wept for his fate,

For the plans they had made, he failed to create.

“Great human King, you do not need to weep!

For your kingdom is grand and ever so deep.

There will always be kingdoms throughout existence,

Even if they seem to be an unreachable distance.

There are kingdoms that are big and kingdoms that are small

But all kingdoms will eventually hear my all-powerful call.

This is the way, and I know you don’t understand,

It is not the way that any kingdom has planned.

And with that farewell, oh great King!

In another Kingdom, there will be spring.”


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