The Kingdom #26: The Dark Prince

The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

After the defeat of the Tyrant and his evil power,

A boy came from the ground almost like a flower.

The King approached this strange and curious child,

The boy was a light red and had eyes that were wild.

“Hello,” said the King, “and who might you be?”

The boy stepped back quickly and let out a plea:

“What do you mean? You know exactly who I am!

For I am the passion of the Tyrant, the sacrificial lamb.

I am the pain that was created from the big cracks,

I am the weariness of the Kingdom, sorrow’s tax.”

The King got down onto one of his knees,

For he could see there was no evil in these pleas.

“Come to me, child, and do not be afraid,

I can see that you are like me in the shade.

For I do know exactly who you are,

You are the Dark Prince born from a scar.”

And with that the Dark Prince smiled with tears,

It seemed like he had come to the end of his fears.

The Dark Prince ran to the King after hearing his charms,

And the King embraced him with strong, loving arms.


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