The Kingdom #9: The Druid and the Sprite

The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

In the green forest, with bugs, bushes, flowers, and trees tall,

There was a Druid with great antlers as a crown to see for all.

The Druid walked about his day, looking to the ground,

And then his ears perked at a very peculiar sound.

He followed a lovely voice, so light and soft,

Until he found its origin in a natural undercroft.

Jumping on a leaf, danced a Sprite,

Comparable to a sparrow in height.

“Hello, Mr. Druid!” the Sprite continued dancing,

“And hello to you!” the Druid replied, glancing.

“What are you doing?” the Sprite jumped very high,

“Only my work,” said the Druid with a glint in his eye.

“And what is your work?” the Sprite stopped and smiled,

“To tend to the forest,” the Druid said. “I love the wild!”

“But the wild does not love you!” the Sprite pointed up,

The Druid leaned over to the Sprite and said “yup.”

“So why do you do it?” the small Sprite danced again,

“Because I love the wild!” the Druid laughed like a hen.

“The wild does not need to love,” the Druid continued,

“What do you mean?” the Sprite said in a gay mood.

“Look what you do upon the leaf,” the Druid nodded,

“Dancing!” the Sprite clapped her hands and applauded.

“You do not need the forest’s love,” said the Druid. “To understand its merit,”

The Sprite sat on the leaf perplexed, “Oh. That is something we all inherit!”


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