Tag: fairy tale

  • The Kingdom #17: The Wraith from the Dwarven Mirror

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    The dwarves are still lost, all without a home,

    Barely any food and shoeless they roam.

    On one fateful day, there upon the vast and sunny plains,

    The dwarves found something, something to end horrid dreary rains.

    It was shiny silver ore, but a bit unique,

    For it glistened in darkness so to speak.

    “We’ll make a mirror,” the Dwarven King said,

    And with that, the dwarves took the ore and fled.

    It took many nights, in the dwarven shops, 

    They used many great tools and funny looking props.

    And finally at the end of all their laboring sweat,

    The dwarves had a mirror before the king set.

    The mirror was wonderful and reflected each star,

    A mirror worth millions if sold in a far off bazaar.

    In this time the dwarves sadness was forgot,

    On their lost home was not a single thought.

    Their pride grew strong surrounding the mirror,

    And in their pride a darkness grew nearer.

    During a moonless night, the Dwarven King stood

    Before the mirror with as much jewelry as he could.

    He admired and admired, his stature stout and grand,

    When a shadow appeared in the mirror and took his hand.

    It pulled itself from the mirror, giving the dwarves a fright,

    It was an evil and dark wraith that came into sight.

    It flew high into the air and made a hideous screech,

    The dwarves all cowered and hoped to get out of reach.

    Three dwarves were killed, as it swooped quickly below,

    It ate their souls, as does things that are life’s foe.

    And now the kingdoms troubles grow as another villain lurks

    Leaving the dwarves even worse as a result of their works.

  • The Kingdom #16: The Attack of the Tyrant

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    With the Kingdom in disarray, the dark clouds gather,

    The Tyrant sees his chance with evil to slather.

    Building up his orcs, he readies his attack,

    With his Lieutenant, leading the treacherous pack.

    They leave the Black Fortress, with the speed of lightning,

    What came next for the Kingdom was more than frightening.

    Orcs spread their awful fear across the map,

    Villages blazed with the certainty of a snap. 

    The Kingdom now enslaved, to work for power,

    Control has been solidified, the free cower.

    The Tyrant now sits on the human throne of gold,

    And his dark Lieutenant sits again in the cold stronghold.

  • The Kingdom #15: The Goblin Den

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    A putrid smell can be found hanging harshly in the air,

    Coming from a place that has denied ever knowing care.

    A place of animalistic intent with the reason of man,

    I talk of a place for the horrid goblin clan.

    The goblins are cunning but evil and violent,

    And in their heads is never a moment silent.

    Their victims are plenty all across the land,

    But they are also victims of their own hand.

    With all you have heard, you may judge them hard,

    But sometimes the truth about goblins we disregard.

    When goblins attack the town, men take up swords,

    The men are rewarded by the town and become lords.

    The greatest lord cries to finally rid the town of this woe,

    And on they march, equipped with sword and crossbow.

    As the lords approach the den, swords in fist,

    They are met with the most unfortunate twist.

    The goblins quickly overrun and take them within, 

    And now the lords are twisted and share in goblin sin.

    For goblins were once men, and men they can be again,

    A battle won not with the sword, but only with the pen.

  • The Kingdom #14: The Dwarven Betrayal

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    Between the Tyrant and dwarves, an alliance was made,

    The Black Fortress grew strong, from the dwarves skilled aid.

    The two traded secrets, only things they could know,

    The dwarves their machines, and the Tyrant’s fire glow.

    The fire with metal, the results were so scary,

    With passion and skill, no opposition could parry.

    The Dwarf King felt strong, and was ready to strike,

    The Tyrant was pleased, feeling quite godlike.

    The Dwarf King asked for his leave, from the Black Fortress king, 

    The Tyrant said “yes, and a large troop of orcs you can bring.”

    The dwarves and the orcs marched towards the smoke, 

    With heavy machinery, that would make any dragon woke. 

    They sat at the door, and heard the Dragon rumble,

    Out through the entrance, columns fell in crumble.

    The Dragon was scared, as he saw his fate near, 

    Then the Dragon spoke, “There’s something you’d like to hear.”

    “What could that be?” The Dwarven King shouted,

    “Should the Dragon be trusted?” The Dwarven King doubted.

    “I say this not for you, but this only for me,”

    The Dragon laughed brazenly, “just hear my plea.”

    The Dwarven King stumbled, “say what you will,”

    “Say it too slow, and you we will kill.”

    “You have been lied to, and you don’t even know,”

    The Dragon looked down, “These orcs bring your woe.”

    “Thes Orcs bring our fight, and you are so scared,”

    The Dwarven King smiled, “it looks like you’re snared.”

    “You met me long ago, I was a lizard from your cave,”

    The Dragon stood tall, “but who came to save?”

    The Dwarven King grew angry, and threw up his fist,

    “Stop speaking in mystery! Just give me the gist!”

    “I know the Tyrant well,” The Dragon spoke loud,

    “But after I grew, to him I would have never bowed.”

    “You lived with the Tyrant?” The Dwarven King asked,

    The Dwarves turned their weapons, on the Orcs fast.

    “He made me grow strong,” The Dragon replied,

    “Thinking that with him, my loyalty would be tied.”

    “A snake is a snake!” The Dwarf quickly accused,

    “But now I see my mistake, we have been used!”

    “And now you shall die,” the Dragon declared,

    “The Orcs and you Dwarves, none shall be spared.”

    A battle ensued, between the three sides, 

    Much blood to be spilt, constant shifting of tides.

    The orcs and the dwarves fell, and so too did the Dragon,

    The Dwarven King fled down the road in a broken wagon.