Tag: poetry

  • The Kingdom #4: The Mighty Dwarves

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    The mighty dwarves, there is much to say,

    Was it the dwarves here from the first day?

    Nobody knows if it is dwarves, elves or man,

    Nobody knows how this world really began.

    But the dwarves still remain, and the dwarves must be,

    They may be short, but they are quite easy to see.

    There are many kinds of dwarves all across the land,

    You will find some thin, some fat, and some with one hand. 

    They have shining crystal beards and serious rocky brows,

    Much work they feel they must do so everyday they rouse.

    While very hard workers, the dwarves clearly are,

    Many comforts they enjoy, an alehouse is never far.

    From the ground, it is said the dwarves got their start,

    And working in the ground is where lies their heart.

    In the canyons of the Kingdom, these people reside,

    With great big statues, they show us their pride.

    At the bottom of the canyon, under the falls,

    Sits the Dwarven King with no need for walls.

    There is one secret cave, outside of the dwarven nook,

    With the great dwarven treasury, accounted in a book.

    Oh, the mighty dwarves, there is truly much to say,

    Strategic and skilled with a bill they will need to pay.

  • The Kingdom #3: The King’s Leave

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    In a beautiful city, on the very center of the map

    There were humans with many houses, hardly a gap.

    This city was fair, though it had its troubles

    On all the houses, were the roofs like bubbles.

    The city was busy, though hardly a rush,

    With marvelous parks, all green and lush.

    On a yellow grass hill, so way up high

    There was a smell in the air—mmmm! It’s pie!

    Forget the pie! This is about the palace,

    With blue marble columns, each bearing a chalice.

    Within its doors, sat the noble human King,

    Who had just returned from a hot spring.

    On his throne, he heard his villagers,

    And last but not least his loyal ministers.

    When out of nowhere, the ground quaked,

    The villagers cried and the ministers shaked.

    The King was swallowed into the cracks, 

    One of his guards jumped in with an axe.

    The King is gone, the King is dead!

    The day the cracks from below spread.

  • The Kingdom #2: The Meeting on the Road

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poemsFind all the poems here.

    A beautiful painting created for this poem by Kate Farrant

    On a road outside of town one late fateful afternoon,

    There was a meeting of two strangers under the moon.

    One was an elf going east and the other a man going west,

    And two stopped together, temporarily halting their quest.

    “Hello!” said the man, proudly and loudly,

    “Hello,” said the elf, a bit more devoutly.

    “Where are you headed?” asked the man, looking so curiously.

    “Heading simply in this direction,” the elf replied quite seriously.

    “An odd answer, to me!” the man laughed amusingly,

    “Maybe to a man,” the elf replied, sounding accusingly.

    “I am headed to see my beloved!” the man said without a question,

    “And you have such little time!” the elf smiled with a suggestion.

    “I know not what you mean,” said the man. “I’m not in a rush.” 

    The elf almost said something, but then stopped in a hush.

    “An interesting people, the elves really are,

    Speaking in riddles,” the man looked out far.

    “Words can be difficult, and filled with woeful grief,

    Someday you will know,” the elf grabbed at a dried leaf.

    “You look so young,” the man exclaimed with might,

    “I do not age,” said the elf with the oncoming night.

    The man looked up, and a frown covered his face,

    “I must be off!” And off he went at a fast pace.

  • The Kingdom #1: The King and the Kingdom

    The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poems. Find all the poems here.

    The King is a tricky man and the Kingdom is a tricky place,

    The King sits on his throne, but I can see him in your face.

    We toil and toil and might even rise through the ranks,

    And it is through our work— but not only our own— we give thanks.

    In the Kingdom, there is much to see and much to hear,

    But only in our hearts is the true place that we must fear.

    For I am the King, but the King, also, I am not,

    At least not the King that I was originally taught.

    In the Kingdom, freedom stands tall as the highest banner,

    But freedom is not something that can be grasped in an easy manner.

    Throughout the lands, to each his own,

    But his hands and feet are only a loan.

    One for all, and all for one,

    The greatest war is won.