The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poems. Find all the poems here.
The mighty dwarves, there is much to say,
Was it the dwarves here from the first day?
Nobody knows if it is dwarves, elves or man,
Nobody knows how this world really began.
But the dwarves still remain, and the dwarves must be,
They may be short, but they are quite easy to see.
There are many kinds of dwarves all across the land,
You will find some thin, some fat, and some with one hand.
They have shining crystal beards and serious rocky brows,
Much work they feel they must do so everyday they rouse.
While very hard workers, the dwarves clearly are,
Many comforts they enjoy, an alehouse is never far.
From the ground, it is said the dwarves got their start,
And working in the ground is where lies their heart.
In the canyons of the Kingdom, these people reside,
With great big statues, they show us their pride.
At the bottom of the canyon, under the falls,
Sits the Dwarven King with no need for walls.
There is one secret cave, outside of the dwarven nook,
With the great dwarven treasury, accounted in a book.
Oh, the mighty dwarves, there is truly much to say,
Strategic and skilled with a bill they will need to pay.