The Kingdom is a series of twenty-nine poems. Find all the poems here.
In near silence there beyond the green rolling hills,
Beyond the eyes of men and their numerous skills.
There is a garden with many bushes and plants,
And it is full of creatures, even small little ants.
It’s steward is one creature who is small and fat,
Puffing on his pipe underneath a tattered hat.
The Hobbit looks calmly about his garden, many things to see,
“Oh what a beautiful flower!” the Hobbit said out loud with glee.
This made the Hobbit immediately think, “what is a flower?”
A seemingly silly question to anyone impatient every hour.
“A flower is a flower, of course,” the Hobbit puffed his pipe,
“But is it only this one?” the Hobbit noticed its stripe.
And then he knew, the answer to his question,
But it was hard to say in words, only an impression.
“A hobbit is a hobbit!” he laughed going about his duty,
And that is exactly the answer to “what is beauty?”